
Duke Makes is a purpose-built digital fabrication and rapid prototyping agency in Leeds, operating across the UK. We have a full range of machines for Laser & Vinyl Cutting, CNC routing, 3D printing and plastics recycling.

External Agency

Our machines and expert makers are available as an independent Innovation, R&D and creation department for your business.

Maker Community

A place to tinker dreams, manufacture realities and imagine the future for your projects, client ideas and team away days.


Workshops and Away Days for individuals and teams to get hands on with advanced tools and machinery

Since 2011 Duke Makes has been a core service offered by our founding company, Duke Studios. The dream from the start was always to have a dedicated space full of the latest creator technologies that welcomes everyone; young and old, novice to expert — to experience.

In August 2019 we were finally able to make that happen and in 2021 the vision became a reality when we finally opened the doors on our creator space. The team are now busy away working towards all of our aims.

— Laura and James, Founders
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  • Offer industry standard Tech equipment facilities to local businesses and public
  • Offer cutting edge and emerging technologies and expert advice
  • Create an education programme for all generations
  • Be an aspirational environment which aids talent retention in the City
  • Help market the wide resource of manufacturing that we have in the region
  • Link to existing manufacturers in Leeds to upscale ideas to product roll out
  • Function the way social clubs did for previous generations, bringing together people with shared purpose and values
  • To create a space that cultivates a local Maker culture
  • Improve the accessibility of resources and the connectedness of current and future creators in the City
  • Build the infrastructure for people to connect to a future in which they can personally change, modify, or ‘hack’ the physical world, creating things that were nearly impossible to do on their own just a few years ago